Turn off your cell phone, slip into a kayak, discover the beauty of the lagoon, white sand beaches and small islands around Mauritius … with your friends and family. Pedal through the mangroves of Amber Island in peace and quietness. Find out more about this fascinating plant and its essential role in the marine ecosystem. Visit the ruins and the forest of this peaceful island and discover its history.

This kayaking adventure will begin with a short briefing on safety precautions before putting on the lifejackets and getting ready for a pleasant excursion.

First, you will take the direction of Ile d’Ambre which is an island (islet = small island) inside the lagoon and has a variety of vegetation.

One of the most interesting aspects of Amber Island is the flora around it, creating small shadows loomed shaded in the water under which it is nice to paddle in a kayak.

It’s a great chance to enjoy a kayak trip in this beautiful environment while learning about the vegetation and the marine ecosystem.

It’s an original adventure, ecological and fun, which will allow you to discover the secret of the magnificent lagoons of Mauritius, its islands, its rivers and its hidden beaches.
